Thursday, 24 November 2011


SS1 Co-chairs: Ellen Kuhl and Chris Jacobs

Title: Multiscale modeling of biological systems
While the mathematical simulation and computational modeling of biological systems, on the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ levels, has been investigated in great detail on the individual scales, techniques to transfer information across the scales still remain severely understudied. Multiscale computational modeling provides a unique opportunity to correlate what a biologist sees in a dish to what a clinician measures in the patient. We invite novel approaches that model biological systems across multiple scales, experimentally, theoretically, and computationally. This session focusses on contributions that either explore the mechanobiology, i.e., the impact of mechanics on biology, or on biomechanics, the impact of biology on mechanics, or both. Of course, interactions with other physical fields such as electrical, chemical, or temporal fields are also of interest. Contributions addressing hard and soft tissue systems are equally welcome.

SS2 Chairs: Richard Hall and Philippe K. Zysset

Title: Spine and intervertebral disc biomechanics
This session will focus on vertebral augmentation, development of spinal devices and fixation systems, disc replacement and the biomechanics of the natural spine. Presentations will also be given by members of the EU funded Marie Curie Initial Training Network in spinal fracture 'SpineFX' which involves European partners from both the university and commercial sector. Here the mechanics of spinal fracture and enhancement techniques for treatments used to combat pain and disability will be considered. Presentations are also welcome in other innovative techniques in spine research.

SS3 Chairs: Marc Thiriet and Jos Vander Sloten

Title: The virtual physiological human — from imaging to computer-aided medical practice
This session will focus on patient-specific modeling and simulation of various body systems, related to the framework of the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) concept of the EU. Multistage and multiscale investigations aim at tackling time and length scales involved in the behaviour of biological systems (e.g., blood circulation, ventilation, digestion, renal purification, musculoskeletal apparatus, tumour growth, etc.) that sense, react, and adapt to environmental loadings. Topics include bio mathematical and biomechanical models as well as data mining for input parameters and experiments for validation.

SS4 Chair: Andrew Hopkins

Title: Zimmer special session on upper limb biomechanics
The upper limb presents unique challenges to health care providers, and is currently one of the fastest growing markets in orthopaedics. New and innovative prosthetic options for the shoulder, elbow, wrist and finger joints are emerging globally, and a sustained focus on the techniques used to analyse, describe and optimise the performance of these complicated joints is necessary to ensure their continued development. Submissions relating to the upper limb in the areas of FEA, kinematics, motion capture, prosthetic design, prosthetic performance, musculoskeletal anatomy and tribology are welcome.

SS5 Chair: Joao Tavares

Title: Computational methods for bio-imaging and visualization
In recent years extensive research has been performed addressing imaging and visualization of bio-structures combining tools and knowledge from several distinct areas of science, including medicine, physics, mathematics, engineering, computers and informatics. Major applications of bio- imaging and visualization can be found in medicine; for example, computational methods can be applied on images to model and visualize human organs to support the medical diagnosis. The main goal of the Special Session "Computational methods for bio-imaging and visualization" is to bring together researchers involved in the related fields (not limited to): image acquisition, image segmentation, matching and registration, shape reconstruction, motion and deformation analysis, medical imaging, scientific visualization, software development. As such, the session will consist of researchers representing fields related to biomechanics, computational vision, computer graphics, computational mechanics, scientific visualization, mathematics, statistics, medical imaging, etc., in order to set the major lines of development for the near future on bio-imaging and visualization.

SS6 Chair: Philippe Young (Simpleware)

Title: Image-based simulation for biomechanics applications
This special session will look at issues surrounding 3D reconstruction from radiology images, and in using 3D image data to generate Rapid Prototyping, CAD, and Finite Element models. Papers are invited in which image-based techniques have been used for the generation of analysis models for any biomechanical applications. A frank discussion of both the opportunities and the challenges faced when modeling biomechanical systems using image data will be encouraged.

SS7 Chairs: Raj Mootanah and Howard J. Hillstrom

Title: 3D motion analysis, imaging and computational biomechanics for the evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of lower limb osteoarthritis
3D movement analysis, imaging and computational biomechanics have been used individually and collectively to explore the onset and progression of osteoarthritis. Obesity, joint malalignment and tissue injury are some of the primary contributing factors. Absent a cure, improved treatment and rehabilitation strategies are needed. By 2030, recent projection in developed countries for total joint replacements are as high as 1% of the gross domestic product, which is clearly an unsustainable trajectory. Papers employing 3D quantitative methods that focus upon lower extremity OA, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation are encouraged

SS8 Chairs: Cathy Holt, Marcus Pandy and Bill Taylor

Title: Motion analyses and musculosketal modelling
This session will focus on the techniques and applications of motion analysis and musculoskeletal modelling. Kinematic, kinetic and dynamic models of human and animal locomotion provide valuable data and allow a greater understanding of the function of healthy and diseased joints and the dynamic control of motion. Measurement methods are challenging as they are prone to error and dynamic models require complex optimisation techniques. Topics include experimental techniques involving imaging, motion capture and EMG, optimisation and dynamic modelling and validation and application of such models to medical engineering problems such as implant design and surgical intervention, gait analysis and movement classification, orthotic and prosthetic application and animal locomotion.

SS9 Chairs: Lynne Bilston and Tim David

Title: Modelling and simulation of the brain and its functions
Thomas Willis the 18th century philosopher and scientist said that " to explicate the working of the brain is as difficult a task as to paint the soul, for it understands all things but itself". However with the advent of computational and physiological modelling we are beginning to understand the inner workings of this particularly unique organ. The main goal of this session will be to present some of the most advanced models of the brain and the associated spinal cord. It will bring together researchers from all over the world who are each looking deep into such phenomena as ultrascable neural tissue simulation, cerebral aneurysms and their initiation, cerebral perfusion and the regulation of the cerebral blood supply and cerebrospinal fluid system, brain changes during development, aging and brain disorders. The session will hopefully initiate discussions of how we may progress towards fulfilling the "Grand Challenge" , that of mapping the brain and its function.

SS10 Chair: Amit Gefen

Title: Computational Cellular and Biomolecular Mechanics and Mechanobiology

Cells are subjected to mechanical loads as a result of physiological function of the body, including weight-bearing, gravity, inertia or cavity pressures. Mechanical loads within cells and cell organelles influence cellular function and are sometimes crucial for normal cell function. Excessive loading or sub-normal loading however may cause cell damage or cell death; for example critically elevated loads may damage cells instantaneously as in an acute injury, or over time as in chronic wounds. Cells are also dynamic living structures that can move or migrate – by producing mechanical forces and by interacting with their surroundings. The intracellular architecture and mechanical properties of cells and their organelles are important factors affecting these processes, and so is the extracellualr environment. Recently, new computational biomechanical and bioengineering methods and techniques were developed to obtain data on cellular forces, mechanical properties and mechanical function of cells and organelles, to ultimately provide better understanding of how cells actually function and how do they react to their environment. This session will focus on these new exciting developments, with examples being models of cell adhesion, spreading and motility; models of events in a cell's life cycle; cellular damage and injury models; cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix communications; multiphysics problems in cellular biomechanics, and modeling diseases at a cell-scale.

SS11 Chairs: P Pankaj, Stephane Avril and Sam L. Evans

Title: Evaluation and assignment of material properties to computer models in biomechanics

Computational modelling in biomechanics requires good quality definitions of the geometry of the biomechanical system being analysed and the mechanical properties of the materials. Recent advances in imaging have made it possible to define complex geometries well. Determination of mechanical properties and their assignment in finite element analyses through appropriate constitutive models has received relatively little attention. This session will focus on all issues associated with the mechanical properties of biological materials: experimental evaluation of properties at all scales; elastic and inelastic constitutive models and issues related to material properties in patient specific modelling.

SS12 Chairs: Yoon Hyuk Kim and Damien Lacroix

Title: In silico modelling of the spinal disc degeneration

This session will focus on the development of computational techniques for the study of spine degeneration. Spinal disc degeneration is one of the most important causes of back pain and can affect people at an early age. New techniques must be developed to better simulate the muscle functions of the spine, the neuromusculoskeletal changes in the spine, the complex biomechanical behaviour of the disc as degeneration progresses, and the remodelling of the vertebrae due to changes of loading conditions in degenerated spinal disc. We invite novel approaches that simulate these issues for a better understanding of disc degeneration and a better treatment outcome for patients. Patient-specific approaches are particularly welcome. See also:

SS13 Chairs: Cathy Holt and Debbie Mason

Title: Advances in Biomechanics and Biological Function of the Knee Joint
Abnormal weight bearing on joints leads to diseases such as osteoarthritis whereas normal loading is essential to maintain a healthy skeleton. The forces associated with normal/abnormal loading and the way in which these forces influence joint function, degeneration and pain are largely unknown. The modelling of mechanical loading patterns within normal/diseased human knees can inform clinical intervention and rehabilitation strategies and improve patient care. Mechanical loading activates specific signals in joint tissues that influence pain and degeneration. Such signals can act as biomarkers of joint loading and reveal potential therapeutic targets. This session focuses on advances in techniques which provide real world data and allow accurate patient specific models of the intact, diseased and prosthetic knee for correlation with biological studies. Topics include the imaging and measurement of knee anthropometrics including bone, cartilage and soft tissues; kinematics, contact stresses and dynamics and the mechanical loading associated with surgical intervention (HTO and TKR), and how such interventions can influence signals in joint tissues and biomarkers:

SS14 Chair: Jeff Weiss

Title: FEBio Tutorial
FEBio is a software tool that uses the finite element method for solving nonlinear large deformation problems in solid biomechanics. It is specifically aimed at solving problems in the field of biomechanics, by providing appropriate modeling scenarios, constitutive models and boundary conditions.


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